Keep urgent and minor injury treatment in Burnham On Sea
The NHS are exploring the future of all the Minor Injuries Units throughout Somerset and the establishment of other, fewer, ‘Urgent Treatment Centres’. If Burnham Hospital is not selected as a new UTC it would mean the closure of our MIU and the necessity for long journeys to obtain this type of service, affecting all Burnham-On-Sea residents and visitors, further reducing medical facilities locally.
Burnham-On-Sea has a large proportion of elderly residents who would be greatly impacted by having to travel long distances to obtain minor injury treatment, currently available at the M.I.U. in the Town. Journeys to Bridgwater Community Hospital or Weston Hospital A&E would involve hours of travelling using a wholly inadequate public transport system.
During the summer months Burnham-On-Sea attracts thousands of visitors, many with young children. It has been estimated that 20,000 additional visitors a week come to the area and the local M.I.U. then has a big influx of patients, removing this facility would leave a void locally.
The Friends of Burnham Hospital has raised and spent more than £2 million on improving and maintaining facilities at The Burnham-On-Sea War Memorial Hospital, raised through local donations - help us keep medical facilities in the Town.
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens, who urge our politicians and NHS to act now to retain our MIU or to establish a UTC, at Burnham-on-Sea.
PLEASE NOTE: The online petition is managed and provided free of charge by Change.org
Friends of Burnham On Sea War War Memorial Hospital have no affiliation with this company and any funds raised by 'Chipping In' or 'Donations' are not passed onto the charity. Please read the prompts carefully and share the link. This is the free alternative to making a donation.
There is also a paper based version of the Petition Form that we would urge you to download, sign up to and share with neighbours and friends. You can download it from the button below: (Instructions on how to return theare within the form)
Thank you for your support