Firstly thanks to everyone that supported our party night at Brean Country Club on Friday 10th March, it was a wonderful evening and sincere thanks to Alan House who, in support of the hospital, lets us have the venue at no cost.
The evening raised a total of £798.00 which will go towards much needed equipment to support staff and patients at the hospital.
I want to extend my thanks to you all for your ongoing support, we have a major project taking place as we speak, that you have helped us to support, and that is a new conservatory roof at the hospital. Once it is complete we will let you have some photo’s it will mean such a lot to the patients and staff as it has not been possible to utilise the space to its full potential for a long time.
“Beautiful flowers, blooming golden daffodils, crocus, snowdrops, definitely tells us that spring is upon us and soon the clocks will change giving us lovely light nights”
So if spring is in the air it must mean ‘spring cleaning’ surely that means you having a bit of a clear out, well think of us please, we need things to sell at our table top sales, coffee mornings etc.
What we are looking for is
Fiction paper backs (male and female)
Unwanted new gifts
Quality Bric-a-Brac including Ornaments/Cut Glass
Wool for my knitting ladies
Material for my sewing ladies
All you need to do is have a sort out then contact me and I will collect or you can bring it to our coffee mornings or even pop it in my porch at Tides Reach 53 Maple Drive BOS. TA8 1DQ
If you know of any events taking place that we might join to raise funds for our hospital please let me know.
Please also note our Calendar of Events.
Kind Regards
Ceri Joyce Chairman + Publicity & Marketing Website: Friends of Burnham Hospital Email:
Tel: 07977 191799 Tel: 01278 323794 Like us on FACEBOOK
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